Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD)

COVID-19 Resources for Persons with Disabilities

SAFOD: Inclusive Covid-19 Response Strategy

SAFOD has drafted the COVID-19 Response Strategy  that proposes a list of interventions targeting persons with disabilities and their carers through the organization's national affiliates who constitute federations of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in the ten countries where it currently works.

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CDPF: Statement & Principles on COVID-19

On 30th March 2020, the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum (CDPF) published a list of principles and statement on COVID-19 to Governments to help ensure that persons with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth are not disadvantaged and have their needs met.

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UNICEF: Considerations for Children & Adults with Disabilities

This is a guidance note on considerations for children and adults with disabilities in the COVID-19 response. The guidance describes what we need to know about the situation of persons with disabilities in COVID-19 response, and what we need to do in five key points.

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WHO: Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak

The World health Organization (WHO) recogizes that Certain populations, such as those with disability, may be impacted more significantly by COVID-19. This impact can be mitigated if simple actions and protective measures are taken by key stakeholders. This is a guidance note on disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak to mitigate the spread of the virus among persons with disabilities.

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IDA: Key Recommendations toward a Disability-Inclusive COVID19 Response

n the light of the COVID19 pandemic and its disproportionate impact on persons with disabilities, the International Disability Alliance (IDA) has compiled a list of the main barriers that persons with disabilities face in this emergency situation, along with some practical solutions and recommendations.

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CBM: Disability Inclusive Community Action – COVID-19 Matrix

To support CBM’s Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) partners, a “Disability Inclusive Community Action – COVID-19 Matrix” has been developed with the aim to provide community programmes guidance on possible action points in community development and mobilization in relation to COVID-19 preparedness and response.

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